And how you can plan for, measure and track your own Net Zero status

Your customers are setting
your net zero target

The science is clear. Net Zero 2050 is now enshrined in law and more and more businesses are creating an action plan for a 1.5° future. With their position in supply chains, many B2B businesses are already pledged to net zero through their customers’ own targets. We all need to show how we’re meeting the challenge.

Our stats

Net zero
target year


50% reduction in intensity metrics by 2030

Carbon Footprint

27 tCO2e

Year to 31 Dec 2023 vs 2020 base year up 231%

Lifetime Carbon Footprint

117 tCO2e

Since founded in 2013 to 2023

Lifetime Carbon Credits

369t CO2e avoided

Our Offsets:

369t CO2e
201,492 trees

* Wait, isn’t offsetting problematic? While we believe it’s important to be transparent about our offsets, we know offsetting in itself is not the route to sustainability. ‘Carbon offsetting’ is the idea of balancing out your emissions by investing in projects that reduce or restore carbon – i.e planting trees. Unfortunately, it’s not like for like. It’s not that simple.
See why

Track and communicate your net zero progress

Climate conscious SMEs want to take considered steps towards net zero. But without guidance, you can get stuck wondering where to start.

Our actions so far:

  • Switched to green website hosting
  • Invested in pre-owned office furniture
  • Switched all our electric heating to run on smart devices
  • Moved to completely paperless operations
  • Provided a renewable energy incentive for home workers
  • Switch to used/refurbished IT equipment

Our next actions:


  • Engage with landlords for a renewable electricity tariff
  • Quantify supply chain NZ2030 by addressable spend.


  • Engage suppliers with noz published net zero plan.

Our Offsets:

369t CO2e
201,492 trees

* Wait, isn’t offsetting problematic? While we believe it’s important to be transparent about our offsets, we know offsetting in itself is not the route to sustainability. ‘Carbon offsetting’ is the idea of balancing out your emissions by investing in projects that reduce or restore carbon – i.e planting trees. Unfortunately, it’s not like for like. It’s not that simple.
See why

Track and communicate your net zero progress

Climate conscious SMEs want to take considered steps towards net zero. But without guidance, you can get stuck wondering where to start.

Want help to calculate your net zero status as it stands now?
Want to feel confident you’re making the right decisions towards net zero emissions?
Want to easily communicate your net zero progress to key stakeholders?

As climate conscious accountants, we’re in a great position to guide you.
Take measured steps to become a Net Zero business with our consultation, reporting and accountability.


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